The festival centres around trucking in this mud which is very rich in minerals and all that good stuff that people look for in skin care products and plopping it onto the beach then surrounding it with a party. Adventure Korea was an amazing group to travel with and going with them gave us a lot of perks. This festival attracts 300,000 people a year and we were amongst only 400 who actually get to experience were the mud is trucked in from. Other perks included being the star attraction in the opening day parade that involved a multicoloured water gun fight and also meeting like minded people who want to have fun in the mud.
Picture this: being told you will be in a parade, next minute being kicked off your bus with hundreds of people cheering for you while you are confused wearing only your bikini/bathing suit... eventually you are given a white Tshirt and a water gun with coloured water and told to go get them.
Next stop: Mud beach. All of us filthy! 3KM run...walk for some...followed by soccer, wrestling, rolling, throwing, just mudding. Too much fun - not enough pictures.
Back at home base on the beach we explored the concert and party area and enjoyed a one of a kind firework show. The night was pretty cloudy so the firework show was like watching an insane colourful lightning show. Live music late into the night surrounded by awesome people!
Sunday, we skipped the over hyped mud pit after experiencing the real deal the day before and mostly just chilled on the beach...UNTIL, like everyone else around us, we thought we were being attacked by the north during the surprise air show (this is okay to laugh at). Frisbee, swimming, tanning, summer.
I think I may have crashed this lunch date but can't say no to fresh shell fish while at the beach! MY kind of lunch.
:) xoxoxo